
About Vishvapani

Vishvapani Blomfield is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order and a regular contributor to BBC Radio 4’s Thought for the Day. His biography, Gautama Buddha: the Life and Teachings of the Awakened One, was published by Quercus in 2011. He blogs at

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Vishvapani is a writer, broadcaster and mindfulness teacher, best known for his contributions to BBC Radio 4’s Thought for the Day. He has led around 70 mindfulness courses and continues to teach many of eight week courses in Cardiff and across the UK. He also teaches mindfulness in criminal justice and healthcare settings. Vishvapani is an Associate of Breathworks Mindfulness and The Mindfulness Initiative and the Mindfulness All Party Parliamentary Group in the UK Parliament.

He teaches Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR/MBCT) in courses in Cardiff, offers 1:1 coaching and works with a range of organisations.

Current projects include projects in the Criminal Justice System, where he’s currently teaching a course in Wales Probation Service for offenders and probation officers. Vishvapani has trained in the Path of Freedom Programme with the Prison Mindfulness Network and is a member of the UK National Offender Management Service Mindfulness Steering Group.

Vishvapani is an Associate of The Mindfulness Initiative, developing public policy to support the provision of mindfulness training, particularly in Wales, and an Associate of The Mindfulness All Party Parliamentary Group in the UK Parliament, where he was a co-editor of the APPG’s report. Following the launch of the Mindful Nation UK report in the UK Parliament in October, Vishvapani organised an event at the Welsh Assembly/Senedd in Cardiff.

Vishvapani has a First Class BA/MA (hons) in English Literature from Cambridge University and an MA from London University.

People say:

“Vishvapani speaks with a calm, quiet reasonableness that gently chides yet encourages us all to find the courage to live with uncertainty
Dorothy Rowe (psychologist and author of ‘Beyond Fear’ and ‘Depression: The Way Out of Your Prison’)”

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