What’s it about?

A three day gathering to explore a radical shift in the mental health conversation, and how to create safety and community in mental health services, our communities and lives.

Who’s it for?

Anyone curious about a fresh approach, including people and families with personal experience of mental distress, frontline staff, commissioners, managers, clinicians, policymakers and Third Sector staff.

Who’s speaking?

Our speakers and facilitators are passionate about transforming mental health and changing the scriptAll believe that with the right support living a full life after a mental health crisis is possible.

Making New Maps – 7- 10 October 2024, Coed Hills, South Wales, UK

Making New Maps is a three day gathering continuing our exploration of alternative approaches for living and working with mental distress.

Inspired by intentional and therapeutic communities, our aim is the bridge the gap between the ambitions of mental health policy and practice on the ground.

The thread that runs throughout our series of Compassionate Mental Health Gatherings has been building community together – moving beyond Us and Them, the Fixers and those that need Fixing.

Our aim is to build bridges between those that use services and those that deliver and design them, and the family and social network around a person experiencing distress, so everyone can thrive.

So join us for a nourishing learning retreat. Optional early arrival  on Monday afternoon, and leave after lunch on Thursday- refreshed, recharged and having connected to our growing community.

The programme builds on our core themes of connection, community and systems change, with a focus on reflective, relational, compassionate practice, and creating therapeutic environments.

Together we’ll explore new ways of thinking about service provision, and explore approaches that are based on mutual support, safety and democratic principles.

As always, moving away from professional, personal and illness labels so we can build common ground and imagine together safe, healing services that people want to use when they are in crisis.

Register Today and join us in changing the conversation around mental illness, challenging stigma and raising expectations.

Feedback from Past Attendees

“A beacon for sanity and genuine healing.”

“I was blown away. It surpassed any expectations. It was so affirming, inspiring and helpful.”

“This event has given me hope for psychiatric services in the future.”

“Succeeded in bringing together professionals, experts and everyday folk in a way where the reality of human experience was revealed, shared and honoured, and those who suffer were given tools that help.”

Speakers & Facilitators

Our speakers and facilitators are passionate about transforming mental health and changing the script. All believe that with the right support recovery can happen and a mental health crisis can be a transformative process. New Speakers are joined by core Compassionate Mental Health team members.


Our programme will be coming soon, read the programme from a previous event at Coed Hills to get a sense of the timings and shape of the day.

Coed Hills – Spring 2024

© Copyright - Compassionate Mental Health - Community Interest Company (number 11938822)