Dr Russell Razzaque
London based psychiatrist with twenty years experience in adult mental health - specialising in Open Dialogue and mindfulness more…
Chloe Goodchild
International singer, author, educator and director of The Naked Voice Foundation - empowering people to discover their authentic inner voice to transform difficult feelings more…
Dr Joseph H. Berke
Pioneer of the medication free therapeutic community who has dedicated his life to working alongside people some thought had no hope of recovery, providing safe spaces to grow through trauma more…
Darren McGarvey
Social commentator and hip hop artist from Glasgow, better known by his stage name Loki, he writes powerfully about trauma, addiction and recovery more…
Dr Dina Glouberman
Psychologist, psychotherapist, writer and co-founder of Skyros Holistic Holidays, pioneering community-oriented holistic holidays worldwide more…
Yasmin Philips
Community Mental Health Nurse in the North East London Foundation Trust - the first full time psychiatric nurse using an Open Dialogue approach more…
Ron Coleman
International speaker and trainer influential in the development of the UK Hearing Voices Network - drawing on his own experiences to develop recovery focused services more…
Dr Charlie Heriot-Maitland
Clinical psychologist, researcher, and trainer who integrates different therapeutic approaches, in particular compassion-focused therapy (CFT) more…
Clare Jasmine Beloved
Artist, poet and creative connector, Clare Jasmine Beloved is the founder of Big Love Sista, bringing communities together to experience the healing powers of creativity and connection more…
Dr Sue Ruben
Consultant psychiatrist who has worked in both General Adult Psychiatry and Addictions in North Wales and Liverpool. Sue is known for her humour and inclusive, open-hearted approach more…
Malcolm Stern
Group psychotherapist, author and father bereaved by suicide more…
Karen Taylor
Trained psychiatric nurse and Director of Working to Recovery, providing innovative mental health training internationally and pioneers of recovery communities more…
Benna Waites
Joint Head of Psychology, Counselling & Arts Therapies, for Aneurin Bevan Health Board, passionate about facilitating compassionate care in the NHS more…
Sarah Stone
Executive Director for Samaritans in Wales and former Deputy Commissioner for Older People in Wales, championing the rights of vulnerable people and groups more…
Claude Acker
Qi Gong and mindfulness teacher, passionate about spreading mindfulness for all more…
Brigid Bowen
Founder and curator of Compassionate Mental Health. Brigid is a freelance journalist, writer and editor with a special interest in health and wellbeing more…
Pre-Conference Training – Tuesday 24 April 2018 | |
One-day pre-conference training in Compassion-Focused Therapy with Dr Charlie Heriot-Maitland |
Space on the training is limited to 40 participants. |
Full Conference Programme – Wed 25 – Thur 26 April 2018
Wednesday 25 April | ||
7.20 – 8.00 | Optional Qi Gong | Claude Acker |
8.00 – 9.00 | Breakfast | for people staying at Buckland Hall |
9.00 – 9.30 | Register / Meet & Greet | |
9.30 – 9.40 | Welcome and Setting the Scene | Sarah Stone and Malcolm Stern |
9.40 – 9.50 | Beyond Trauma – finding Solid Ground | Brigid Bowen |
9.50 – 10.20 | Compassion Pods & Deep Listening | Andy Bradley |
10.20 – 10.50 | Love, Madness and Transformation | Dina Glouberman |
10.50 – 11.20 | Pause & Refresh | |
11.20 – 1.10 | Choice of Experiential Workshops | |
A | Telling our Stories | Malcolm Stern |
B | Creative Approaches to Psychosis | Ron Coleman and Karen Taylor |
C | Imagework for Turning Points | Dina Glouberman |
D | Juicy, Courageous Creativity | Clare Jasmine Beloved |
E | Compassion Circles – with examples of implementation in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board | Andy Bradley and Benna Waites |
1.10 – 2.10 | Eat and Enjoy | |
2.10 – 2.50 | Towards Communities of Recovery | Ron Coleman and Karen Taylor |
2.50 – 4.40 | Choice of Experiential Workshops | |
F | In the Body of Your Voice: Finding Solid Ground through Sound | Chloe Goodchild |
G | Imagework for Turning Points | Dina Glouberman |
H | Juicy, Courageous Creativity | Clare Jasmine Beloved |
I | Compassion Circles – with examples of implementation in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board | Andy Bradley and Benna Waites |
4.40 – 5.10 | Pause & Refresh | |
5.10 – 5.45 | Group gatherings | Hosted Conversations facilitated by Malcolm Stern and Andy Bradley |
5.45 – 6.00 | Close of Day Programme and summing up | Malcolm Stern and Sarah Stone |
6.00 – 7.30 | Free Time | |
7.30 – 10.30 | Dinner with Darren McGarvey – Social commentator, hip hop artist and author of Poverty Safari speaks about stress, trauma and recovery | Dinner must be pre-booked OR is included for people staying at Buckland Hall |
Thursday 26 April | ||
7.20 – 8.00 | Optional Qi Gong | Claude Acker |
8.00 – 9.00 | Breakfast | for people staying at Buckland Hall |
9.00 – 9.15 | Welcome and Day 2 Introductions | Benna Waites and Sarah Stone |
9.15 – 9.45 | Compassion Pods | Andy Bradley |
9.45 – 10.15 | Rights, Risk and Freedom | Joseph Berke in conversation with Malcolm Stern |
10.15 – 10.40 | Pause and Refresh | |
10.40 – 12.30 | Choice of Experiential Workshops | |
A | In the Body of Your Voice: Finding Solid Ground through Sound | Chloe Goodchild |
B | Creative Approaches to Psychosis | Ron Coleman and Karen Taylor |
C | Introduction to Open Dialogue | Russell Razzaque and Yasmin Philips |
D | Telling our Stories | Malcolm Stern |
E | Why are you cast down, o my soul? Intersections of ethnicity, gender, depression and spirituality | Dawn Edge |
12.30 – 1.30 | Eat & Enjoy | |
1.30 – 2.00 | Mindful Walking | Claude Acker |
2.00 – 3.30 | Whole Group Introduction to Open Dialogue | Russell Razzaque and Yasmin Philips |
3.30 – 3.45 | Pause and Refresh | |
3.45 – 4.00 | From Rage to Responsibility? | Darren McGarvey |
4.00 – 5.30 | Compassion Collective – gathering insights from the two days | facilitated by the hosting team |