Uncharted – Freeing Up the Future 25 – 26 Sep 2019

View and download the full day programme [PDF 1.8mb], including workshop information, venue details and more…

Uncharted – Freeing Up the Future was our eighth gathering designed to inform, inspire and empower people living and working with mental distress. We are living in uncertain times, but they are also times of possibility when we have the power to shape the future.


Beautiful Buckland Hall in the Brecon Beacons National Park, South Wales, was our home for two days, where we created a feeling of community, leaving behind our professional and personal roles and labels to move forward together to create positive change.

As with all Compassionate Mental Health events, we are calling for a more compassionate, trauma informed approach to mental distress. Ultimately we hope to work with others towards a new integrative approach, and inspire the growth of safe, healing mental health services that people want to use when they are in crisis.

A key message of all Compassionate Mental Health events is choice not coercion – compassion not control, and the understanding that a mental health crisis can become a meaningful turning point and catalyst for change. Along with many other critical voices – we are calling for a radical shift in the way we understand mental health, changing the script, challenging stigma and raising expectations.

Our speakers and facilitators are passionate about transforming mental health and changing the script. All believe that with the right support recovery from mental illness can happen and a mental health crisis can be a transformative process.We are championing a range of compassionate approaches that move away from a disease focused, disorder model, to one of recovery and personal growth. Our aim to is to challenge stigma and raise expectations, and give people an immersive experience of compassionate community.


© Copyright - Compassionate Mental Health - Community Interest Company (number 11938822)